
I try very hard to post every Tuesday. Sometimes life gets in the way!

The wonderful ducks in the header are hand carved and hand painted by my grandpa.

the etymology of embroidery

embroider: late 14th century, from the Anglo-French word enbrouder, from the prefix en- meaning “in” (see en- (1)) plus broisder “embroider,” from Frankish  *brozdon, from Proto-Germanic  word *bruzdajanan. Influenced by Old English  brogden, past participle of bregad “to weave” (see braid). Spelling with -oi- is from cerca 1600, perhaps by influence of broid “braid.”

Extended explanation: (from here)
  • Anglo-French the French spoken in England from the Norman Conquest in 1066 through the Middle Ages; the administrative and legal language of England 12th-17th century
  • Frankish West Germanic language of the Franks, inhabitants of northern Gaul 5th-6th century, their descendants ruled France, Germany, Italy in the 9th century, and the language had strong influence on French.
  • asterisk (*) Words beginning with an asterisk are not attested in any written source, but they have been reconstructed by etymological analysis, such as Indo-European *ped-, the root of words for “foot” in most of its daughter tongues.
  • Proto-Germanic hypothetical prehistoric ancestor of all Germanic languages, including English
  • Old English the English language as written and spoken cerca 450 through cerca 1100.

8 Responses to About

  1. scriptorobscura says:

    This is very interesting.

  2. Sharon Brodeuse says:

    Fascinating to know the etymology of the word enbrouder. Would love to see more terms explained and more history of embroidery, perhaps?

  3. Adèle says:

    Thanx to Mary C. for directing me here. Lovely work.

  4. Skyemom says:

    Love the site, how do I subscribe?

  5. Lydia Alfrey says:

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    Thank you so much for any help you can give me.

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