Water’s Edge: Bird feathers


I decided to go back to work on this bird for the Water’s Edge Anchor embroidery kit. I’ve been working with 1 strand of thread for the bird (more threads for the rest of the piece). The bird looks extra-delicate in comparison, and the overall work goes faster. I’ve started listening to audio books while embroidering, which is super fun. Do ya’ll listen to music or audiobooks while working?

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13 Responses to Water’s Edge: Bird feathers

  1. theladypeach says:

    Beautiful!! I didn’t realize there were so many different forms of embroidery.

  2. It’s going very nicely, I agree. Are you enjoying working on the black fabric?

  3. Chrisitne H. says:


  4. I just love the bright colors on the black background. Looking forward to the progress on this. I listen to Audio books all the time. I even singed up for Audible. Get three books a month for $20. They do have cheaper plans. My husband travels allot so he goes through the books fast. Last one I listened to was “Call the Midwife”. You might like that one. I picked it after I came across the TV series. Hubby and I just came back from the west coast. So last night I downloaded The Oregon Trail, by Francis Parker. I fell fast asleep lol.

    • Hannah says:

      I am enjoying listening to the Amelia Peabody series. I read them a long time ago, and enjoyed it then too. It’s a fun story about a lady archeologist in Egypt in the 1880s. The first one is Crocodile on the Sandbank. I’m listening to the version read by Barbara Rosenblatt (there are two different versions on audible).

  5. Anonymous says:

    It is beautiful

  6. Marie-Claire says:

    C’est magnifique je ne peux pas brode ci beau bonne journee Marie-Claire

  7. Yup, I’ve got through a fair few stories whilst stitching over the years, although none recently.

  8. theladypeach says:

    I used to listen to music while I would write and do other things on here. Somewhere along the
    way though I quit. I don’t know how come. I never thought about audio books. That’s a good

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