Hilltop Farm: New project


Folks, I have been absolutely dying to start this for ages. It is the Hilltop Farm kit from Rowandean (Americans can get kits from Amazon). It is huge and gorgeous and has an amazing variety of threads/yarns. I could resist no longer. I got it off my shelf and got started on the clouds.


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11 Responses to Hilltop Farm: New project

  1. That looks like a great kit, Hannah. I like Rowandean designs too, although I’ve never bought one. Looking forward to following your progress.

  2. Rowandean do produce some fabulous kits. I’ve never bought one, because I can never decide which
    one I want – too much choice…!

  3. Marie-Claire says:

    La grille est magnifique Marie-Claire

  4. Elmsley Rose says:

    Oooo! Look at that thread variety! What fun!!!

  5. Julie says:

    What a neat kit! I just discovered your blog and am following! I want to find time to look back through all of your embroidery posts! Beautiful stuff! I just ordered a book on crewel embroidery and can hardly wait for it to get here!
    Have a lovely day!

  6. Anita says:

    What a beautiful kit! I’ve never stitched a Rowandean design.They all look good,may be someday I’ll buy one.Can’t wait to see it finished.

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