Goldwork Chrysanthemum Petals

I started outlining the petals on the chrysanthemum from the Mary Jane Collection. I photographed it in the sun so y’all can see the shine.

And here’s a photo taken in the shade, so no sparkles:

The gold hanging loose is my mistake – I pulled really hard when plunging the end through the fabric, and yanked one of them right out of the couching and most of the way through to the other side! I tugged it gently back, but I have to re-couch it. Oops. Anyway, here is a closeup of my progress:

So pretty! Especially for my first try at goldwork! I love this kit! I’m going to finish up with a couple photos of the back, which definitely has some issues 🙂 Good thing it doesn’t show! Perhaps by the time I finish this kit I will figure out how to do it better.

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12 Responses to Goldwork Chrysanthemum Petals

  1. Christine Harris says:

    The back is not as bad as you think. When you mount it put some quilt batting (wadding?) between the embroidery and the mounting board to pad it. No one but you will ever know what the back looks like.

  2. Rachel says:

    Considering that goldwork of this sort always leaves ends to be plunged and then tied down, I think you’ve done pretty well. If, when it’s finished, you mount it over a layer of wadding, the back won’t show through.

  3. meri says:

    This is so beautiful, Hannah! You must be very proud with your work! Congratulations

  4. Gwendoline says:

    I am really feeling inspired by this. Isn’t it amazing what difference the sunlight makes – bring it to life!.


  5. cynthiagilbreth says:

    This is really coming along beautifully. I love the sparkly effect the sunlight has on the gold. Too bad you can’t keep it in the sun or the silk will fade.

  6. Very nice result ! I just ordered the honeysuckle kit. I will give it a try this summer. Thanks a lot for letting me know this collection.

  7. Elmsley Rose says:

    Re what Christine and Rachel said about the padding – Rachel taught me to do that. It makes a piece look so much better – just slightly raised above the flatness of the board, it lets the stitches on the back sink into the padding, and gives an extra-good looking ‘finished’ look. 1cm thick worth? (um, 3/8″ I think).
    I’ve tried to find where you got the kit but “Mary Jane Collection” gave me a very strange blog, and checking the “Chrysanthemum” tag gave me ALL tags of that name in ALL workpress blogs!
    I’d like to add the kit to my wishlist – it’s so pretty! I especially like the colours in the middle.

  8. Elmsley Rose says:

    Thanks Hannah 🙂 It’s a pity the pictures on the site don’t do justice to the actual designs.
    Added to my wishlist! (That Amazon “Add to Wishlist” toobar button is SO useful – you can add items from anywhere on the Net to your Amazon list with one click)

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