Kingfisher Chinese Embroidery: Bird feathers

A quick update today: I started work on a kingfisher!


Birds are a lot easier than I thought they would be. As long as the stitches are in generally the right direction, they look great.

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14 Responses to Kingfisher Chinese Embroidery: Bird feathers

  1. He’s a charming little fellow, and looks like he’ll be fun to do!

  2. This looks like it will be very pretty and a challenge.. Didn’t you do one smiler last year?

  3. Marie-Claire says:

    beautiful congreatulation i love it

  4. tanvel says:

    Very nice Hannah, your owrk is lovely always.

  5. Patricia Jay says:

    Hello!  Beautiful embroidery.  Very inspiring, I will try this technique on my next bird pattern. Pat/texas

  6. Anita says:

    Beautiful! Are you using silk threads to stitch these birds?

  7. Megan says:


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