Chikankari class: Finished!


I finished it! Thank you, Anita, for the design and instructions. I’m delighted with the outcome of the project. Chikan embroidery is really interesting. I’m daydreaming of making a wide decorative belt with it now.

I very much enjoyed working with variegated thread (the colors were my choice). My one complaint is that this type of shadow work (where some areas are designed to deliberately show through the fabric) requires extreme fussiness to keep the tails from showing through. I managed in the end though! Here is the back of the work so you can see what creates the shadow effect on the other side.


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15 Responses to Chikankari class: Finished!

  1. Marie-Claire says:

    WOW c’est magnifique felicitation Marie-Claire

  2. Great practise for developing your finishing skills, though!

  3. Lovely – looks like spring!

  4. Congratulations on finishing class involving extreme fussiness!

  5. wendy says:

    it’s beautiful, both front and back. I’d bookmarked this class and really want to have a go at it some time.

  6. Anita says:

    Congratulations on the finish Hannah!

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