Dragon Scales: Part 2


I am plugging away on the scales and spikes. The play of the light between the various silk colors and the metallic threads is really flashy. All the under stitching and padding gives the edges a raised effect, so the whole thing has a lot of texture.DSCF3071 DSCF3074

Today I’ll also show you the back of the piece! It’s staying fairly neat. Not much to say this week except that I am still working away on it. Onwards!

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6 Responses to Dragon Scales: Part 2

  1. You’re going to be the Queen of Raised Satin Stitch when you finish all these scales! Courage, my friend, it’s going well!

  2. There may not be much to say; but it speaks brilliantly! I truly do enjoy seeing the progress you are making, for many years I have loved Dragons and especially hand embroidered ones. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

  3. Michelle says:

    Oh these scales are so beautiful. Thank you for capturing them at different angles, the light-play is delightful. The padding is so effective.

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